From 23 Nov 2015 until 27 Nov 2015
Deadline for Applications:
23 Oct 2015
Room 4.2.07, bloco C4, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Campo Grande 1749-016 Lisboa
36 hours
9h-12h30 and 14h-17h30, Monday-Thursday; 9h-13h and 14h-18h Friday
Department Responsible:
Departamento de Biologia Animal (FCUL)
Nº (min - max) Students:
10 to 20
This course aims to give basic skills in R, but with some applications in the field of Evolutionary Ecology
This course can have a recognition of 6 ECTs for FCUL PhD students enrolling in it as part of their first doctoral year. For FCUL PhD students only requiring 5 ECTs recognized in their specific PhD programmes the last 6 hours of the course are not mandatory and the certificate will be on 'Topics in R without fear’.
Minimum formation: bachelor degree in Biology or related areas
General Plan
Introduction to the R working environment
Variable types in R
Statistical populations and samples through working examples
Measurements of central tendency and variability
Precision, accuracy and bias
Hypothesis testing: Falsability, Type-I and II errors and statistical power
Correlation and simple regression
P-value vs. effect magnitude
Linear Models: residuals, assumptions and interpretation.
Explained vs. unexplained variance of a model (the coefficient of determination).
Building functions in R
Introduction to graphics in R
The concept of partial effect: partial regression and correlation
General Linear Models (GLM)
Curve fitting in linear models and General Additive Models (GAMs)
The problem of spatial autocorrelation in ecology and evolution
pts: checking and plotting interactions
Introduction to General and Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMM)
Fixed vs. Random effects and implications for analysis: main R functions
Introduction to Bayesian statistics: the function MCMCglmm
Practical examples in evolutionary ecology:
The study of natural selection
Applications of linear models for quantitative genetics
Student’s case studies
Students fees.
Free for 1st year PhD students in the Doctoral programme in Biology (FCUL), Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution (UL; UP) and Biology and Ecology of Global Changes (UL, UA); 20 € for PhD students from institutions of the PEERS network (cE3c, CFE); 100 € for FCUL Master students and unemployed; 150 € for BTI, BI and other PhD students; 200 € for Professionals and postdocs
How to Apply
Candidates should send a short CV and a motivation letter to Jordi Moya-Laraño at the following email address: jordi@eeza.csic.es