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CE3C, based at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (CIÊNCIAS) and the University of the Azores (UAçores), operates a comprehensive governance structure ensuring efficient management and fostering an inclusive, collaborative environment. Our team consists of ca. 150 integrated PhD researchers, over 225 associated members, including 122 PhD students, 25 research grantees/technicians, more than 80 MSc students, and 135 external collaborators.

Governance Framework

The core of CE3C's governance lies in its democratic decision-making processes, designed to promote inclusivity, diversity of ideas, and active engagement among researchers. The governance framework includes several key bodies:

Scientific Council (SC)

The highest decision-making body, comprising all integrated members and representatives of associated members. The SC elects the CE3C Coordinator and meets at least bi-monthly to discuss and approve scientific and management issues.

Executive and Management Board (EMB)

Led by the Coordinator and including 4 to 8 integrated researchers, the EMB oversees administration, research, advanced training, and infrastructure management.

Strategic Advisory Committee (SAC)

Composed of all Research Group (RG) leaders and Research Areas coordinators, the SAC addresses strategic issues and is convened by the EMB as needed.

R&D Consultancy Panel (CP)

Consisting of five civil society experts, the CP aligns CE3C activities with national socio-economic needs.

External Advisory Board (EAB)

Made up of three experts in CE3C’s strategic research areas, the EAB meets annually with CE3C members to assess progress and provide strategic guidance.

Organisational Structure

CE3C is currently organised into 39 Research Groups (RGs) nested in four Research Areas (RAs). The RGs are distributed as follows:

  • RA1: Ecology and Conservation Across Scales (8 RGs)
  • RA2: Evolutionary Perspectives in a Changing World (10 RGs)
  • RA3: Environment and Health Interactions (9 RGs)
  • RA4: Toward Sustainable and Resilient Ecosystems (12 RGs)

Each RG is led by internationally recognised principal investigators who promote a dynamic and collaborative environment. Clustering by Research Areas facilitates the exchange of knowledge and cooperation across RGs, supporting strategic research agendas and fostering interdisciplinary collaborations.

Three transversal axes - Knowledge TransferTraining, and Outreach - support the RGs and Research Areas, optimising research activities and resource use.

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Administrative Support

Administrative and outreach activities are supported by a Secretariat with three full-time members and a Communication Office with two full-time members. Financial management is handled by FCiencias.ID - Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências and Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso (FGF), with operational support from CIÊNCIAS and UAçores.


By maintaining a robust and inclusive governance structure, CE3C continues to advance its research mission, foster innovation, and contribute to societal well-being.