Explore the endemic species of the Azores
The Azores BioPortal (ABP) is a collaborative e-infrastructure for information and research on Biodiversity, which gathers and manages information and resources on the biodiversity of the Azores. This regional e-Infrastructure is dedicated to the organization, mobilization, curation, and dissemination of biodiversity data, on a platform that is connected to the academia, public administration, and civil society.
The ABP is part of the Portuguese Biodiversity Information and Research e-Infrastructure – PORBIOTA, sharing information with the GBIF Portuguese node, and the European research e-Infrastructure – LifeWatch ERIC.
The ABP compiles together data on around 11,500 species (68% terrestrial; 32% marine), derived from exhaustive literature surveys (the first record dates back to 1844) and from research work in the archipelago from 1967 onwards.
The Azorean Biodiversity Portal is a unique resource for fundamental research in systematics, biodiversity, education and conservation management in the Azores (Portugal).
The source materials include references published in the form of scientific articles, books and book chapters, and unpublished material, such as degree reports, master’s dissertations and doctoral theses, technical reports and information collected in museum and academic collections.