From 08 Jul 2024 until 12 Jul 2024
Deadline for Applications:
08 Jun 2024
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Campo Grande 1749-016 Lisboa
36 hours (contact hours)
9:00-18:30 everyday
Lecturer or Responsible:
Silvana Munzi (CIUHCT & CE3C-PSE, ULisboa), Pedro Pinho (CE3C-urbanE), Sofia Augusto (ISPUP, UPorto), Cristina Branquinho (CE3C-SystEco), Cristina Máguas (CE3C-PFE), Alexandra Oliveira (CE3C-SystEco), Helena Serrano (CE3C-SystEco)
Department Responsible:
Dapartamento de Biologia Vegetal, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Nº (min - max) Students:
This course was cancelled.

The course aims at enabling the participants to use different methods to measure the impacts of pollutants on ecosystems. Basic knowledge will be provided through theoretical and practical lessons on how to select and use the most suitable metrics based on the analysis of multiple compartments of the ecosystems.
Participants have to be present at 85% of the contact hours (this means that they can miss one half-day), and actively participate in all activities.
This course can give credits to PhD programmes at CIÊNCIAS or of programmes with partnership from CIÊNCIAS and other institutions with 6h-7h of contact hours per ECT, as a function of specific requirements. For these students additionally to the exercises done during the week the delivery of a written report done after the course is mandatory. For programmes with less hours of contact per ECT (6h/ECT, getting 6 ECTs from the course) students need to do an additional assignment (summary report). If needed 1 or 2 additional hours of contact may be added. Such report(s) are also advised for other students requesting accreditation of the course in their institutions.
Minimum formation: “Licenciatura” (bachelor) in Biology, Natural Science or related areas.
Directed to: PhD or MSc students in Biology, Microbiology, Ecology, Environmental Studies or related areas, and postdocs and other professionals working in related topics.
General Plan
Environmental Pollution refers to the contamination of any component of an ecosystem causing adverse effects in its functioning. A widespread phenomenon in the Anthropocene, it impacts biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and affects the ability of ecosystems to provide ecosystem services to humans. Besides, pollution also causes direct adverse effects on human health. Although the tools to measure pollutants concentration are increasingly well established, the tools available to measure the impacts of pollution on Ecosystems are far less known.
This course will train students on the use of tools to measure the impact of environmental pollution on ecosystems. These will include the use of ecological indicators based on biodiversity, physic and chemical measures and modelling, to measure the impact of atmospheric, water and soil pollution. Examples will be provided for natural, semi-natural and human-built ecosystems.
The course will be organized in lectures, lab experiences, computer analysis and, if possible, an excursion.
Students fees
Free for 1st year PhD students in Doctoral programmes at CIÊNCIAS (e.g. Biology), Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution (BIODIV ULisboa; UPorto), Biology and Ecology of Global Changes (BEAG ULisboa, UAveiro) and Sustainability Science (ULisboa, several institutions), when the course counts credits for their formation, in which case the delivery of a final report done after the course is mandatory; the course is also free for more advanced PhD students of the BIODIV programme (ULisboa or UPorto); 50 € for more advanced PhD students of cE3c; 80 € for PhD students of the PEERS network (CFE); 125 € for FCUL Master students and unemployed; 180 € for BTI, BI and other PhD students; 250 € for Professionals and postdocs.
When the maximum number of students is reached, 10 vacancies will be available for non-paying 1st year PhD students mentioned above, being, by order of preference, students from: 1) CE3C; 2) BIODIV (not from CE3C); 3) CIÊNCIAS (not from CE3C); 4) Sustainability Science (not from CE3C or CIÊNCIAS); 5) BEAG (not from CE3C or CIÊNCIAS).