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The presentation delivers will provide an overview about the policy landscape of Adaptation in Europe and will touch upon the recent developments in the EU landscape of climate change adaptation. This will cover the 2021 EU Adaptation Strategy, its development and elements of its implementation and way forward. Elements of the Climate Law and reporting requirements by EU Member States will be showcases as well as learnings from previous reporting on progress made will be shared with the audience. This will be followed by the main Knowledge platforms on the EU level like Climate-ADAPT, the EU one stop shop for climate change adaptation, as well as the new European Climate and Health Observatory and its features. The five EU Missions, specifically the Mission on Adaptation, its key elements, objectives and current and future developments will be showcased as well as the upcoming calls on Horizon Europe that support the Mission on Adaptation and its delivery. Finally an overview about the EU Taxonomy and more specifically the latest developments on the adaptation within the EU taxonomy will be showcased and the requirements of the climate-risk and vulnerability assessment that needs to be performed for economic activities, which is in line with already required climate-proofing activities, which are compulsory within Environmental Impact Assessments for infrastructure projects, based on the respective EU directive.

We have been experiencing some technical issues regarding the authentication/connection to the Zoom platform through FCCN. For that, we apologise for any difficulties during the transmission.

Markus Leitner's short bio

Markus Leitner

Markus Leitner is a senior expert for climate change adaptation since 2OO5 and leads the adaptation team of the Environment Agency Austria (EAA) since 2O19. His main fields of expertise range from adaptation indicators, monitoring, and evaluation to adaptation assessments and sectoral experience. He was and is involved in various European projects (H2O2O project PLACARD) and supports the European Environment Agency (ETC/CCA) and many European countries with his expertise. He leads the ETC/CCA MRE Task, and contributes to e.g. CCIV Assessments, Adaptation Indicators, Key Type Measures, Country updates. Markus is also a representative in the EU working group on adaptation as the Austrian representative as well as a member of the OECD Task Force on Climate change adaptation. He has delivered training on capacity building and knowledge sharing in various countries in the Western Balkans, Israel, South Korea and Turkey. He also leads the Adaptation Working Group within the Tratolow Project (IPA II). Markus has been reporting under the MMR and the EU Governance Regulation for Austria since 2O12 and supports the task on adaptation reporting via the ETC/CCA since 2O19.