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This seminar is thought mainly (but not exclusively) for PhD students with CE3C supervision. For students in their 1st PhD year the seminar can be recognised as part of curricular activities (32 hours of contact in typology S) in several Doctoral programmes, particularly Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution (BIODIV ULisboa) and Biology (CIÊNCIAS). They can thus be a part of the 1st year curriculum of their PhD programmes.

Directed to: Students of CE3C enrolling in their first PhD year. It is also of interest to PhD students in a more advanced year or grant holders (BI, BTI).

General Plan

The CE3C SEMINAR I consists of a weekly session of 1h30 during 15 weeks in the first semester. The students also have to attend the "Encontros Scientia" and CE3C conferences.

Each session is promoted by a researcher belonging to one CE3C research group. It involves the discussion of one or more papers, which may be (though not necessarily) co-authored by the specific organiser of that session. The papers are given in advance so that the participants have read them before they come to the session.

With such a programme, the students who attend the seminars will have the opportunity to better know the research that is being developed in CE3C, brainstorm around a diversity of topics and gain acquaintance with CE3C members and other students.

The specific programme, i.e., the calendar of the sessions relative to the corresponding CE3C teams, will be presented on the first day of the Seminar.



How to Apply

To enroll in the CE3C Seminar, please send an email to Margarida Matos at, including a short motivation letter and CV by September 15, 2024.