OR are among the most ecologically vulnerable territories of the Union. Indeed, their small size, isolation and high level of endemic biodiversity, make them particularly exposed to anthropogenic and climate-change induced dynamics threatening natural ecosystems on a global scale and the communities which rely on them. It is also a way to turn a threat into an opportunity by positioning outermost regions as living labs of biodiversity conservation and restoration
FORWARD Resumed objectives: (1) improve ORs excellence in research and their innovation potential; (2) improve OR´s participation in EU research and innovation funded projects; (3) link research activities with territorial development.
TWG7 OBJECTIVES https://forward-h2020.eu/thematic/biodiversity/): increase the number of projects submitted and financed by ORs to the EU FP , in the thematic of Biodiversity, Conservation and Restoration
Some scientific domains of expertise and policy objectives are:
- Biodiversity, Ecology & Conservation of species and ecosystems
- Biogeography and evolutionary processes
- Terrestrial ecology
- Invasive alien species and other environmental risks
- Evolution and Interactions in Caribbean, Macaronesian and Indian Ocean Area, and Amazonian systems
- Conservation of natural heritage & Understanding of heritage and landscape
- Biosphere conservation, social-environmental conflicts, greening of public action
Funding Institution:
EU H2020.
Fundo Regional Ciência e Tecnologia.