The Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR) is a long-standing committee of EU Member States and Associated Countries presided over by the European Commission. It has become a respected source of advice on European agricultural and wider bioeconomy research and has been a catalyst for the coordination of national research and innovation (R&I) programmes. It is supported in these strategic functions by SCAR Working Groups (WGs), including a Foresight Group, which provide domain-specific expert advice and input. RefreSCAR will strengthen the strategic functioning and capacities of SCAR WGs in order to facilitate the improved coordination of national and European bioeconomy R&I programmes. Through a toolkit of measures, RefreSCAR will provide robust scientific support to SCAR WGs through regular portfolio analysis of projects, expert studies and support for the SCAR Foresight process. Combined with practical administrative support, this will enable a better structured organisation, facilitation and reporting of SCAR WG activities in themes of relevance for Horizon Europe, the Common Agricultural Policy, European Green Deal, Digital Europe and the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies. In order to boost the participation of under-represented countries in SCAR WGs, a SCAR-Engage Programme will be developed involving tailored action plans, financial and peer-to-peer support, networking and knowledge exchange. Targeted support for communication and dissemination will immerse a broad audience of stakeholders in the activities of the WGs. Furthermore, RefreSCAR will cultivate connections between SCAR WGs, key actors in EU policy, practitioners and relevant EU and international initiatives through dedicated fora, helping to build a bridge between R&I, policy and practice. The outcome will be more impactful SCAR WGs that are better resourced and empowered to deliver strategic advice, contributing to a strengthened SCAR within the European Research Area.
SCAR; Agriculture; AKIS; EU
Funding Institution:
European Commission (HORIZON-CSA Proposal number: 101060553).
Project Leader: Orlaith NiChoncubhair from Teagasc - Agriculture and Food Development Authority (Ireland).
Partners: Aarhus Universitet; Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas; Agraren Universitet - Plovdiv; Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung; Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour Ledeveloppement - C.I.R.A.D. Epic; Eigen Vermogen Van Het Instituut Voor Landbouw- En Visserijonderzoek; INIAV; Institut National de Recherche pour L'agriculture, L'alimentation et L'environnement; Instituto Nacional de Investigaçao Agraria e Veterinaria; Instytut Ekonomiki Rolnictwa I Gospodarki Zywnosciowej-Panstwowy Instytut Badawczy; Kilpatrick Innovation Ltd; Luonnonvarakeskus; Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat; Ministero Dell'agricoltura, Della Sovranita' Alimentare e Delle Foreste; Ministerstwo Rolnictwa I Rozwoju Wsi; Ministry of Agriculture; Stichting Wageningen Research &Udruzenje za Preduzetnistvo I Inovacije Foodscale Hub.