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The Field Guide project aims to establish an improvement in the levels of scientific literacy amongst children and young people living in the Azorean archipelago. With one of the lowest school success rates in Portugal, this project will combine place-based learning and mobile context-aware technology to foster more active and meaningful learning experiences in the region. Through the
design of a mobile electronic field guide, the project will offer a younger generation the opportunity to explore, learn about and monitor their immediate environment. Designed to interact with existng biodiversity web portals and their respective databases, the mobile electronic field guide that will be designed for the project will use the power of context-aware technology to shape youth’s understanding of the natural world while raising awareness of one of Portugal’s key - oceanic insular ecosystems.


Biodiversity; Islands; scientific literacy; children

Funding Institution:

Science and Technology Foundation - Total Budget: 239938 euros


The Project management is performed by M-ITI (, and Prof. Sónia Matos as PI working on the Polo Científico e Tecnológico da Madeira. Prof. Rosalina Gabriel is CO_PI and about 65000 Euros will be managed by Fundação Gaspar Fructuoso within CE3C - Azorean Biodiversirty Group.


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