Mariana Cravo
PhD StudentMariana Cravo is conducting a Ph.D. in Animal Behaviour studying the migration and in-water behaviour of the green turtle in West Africa in ISPA (University Institute), starting in 2023 with collaboration with the Conservation Ecology & Society of CE3C. She is conducting the project "Body size and in-water behavioural ecology of green turtles from a major population across its West African range", under the supervision of Paulo Catry (MARE-ISPA) and Ana Rita Patrício (CIÊNCIAS, CE3C). Mariana Cravo Ph.D. project aims are to better understand the migratory and foraging behaviour of green turtles across different size classes in West Africa by providing information on habitat use, contributing to defining essential areas for sea turtle conservation.
- Email: marianamartinscravo@gmail.com
- Web References: ORCID, Research Gate
- Research Group: Conservation Ecology & Society