Patrícia Guedes
PhD StudentPatrícia is conducting a Ph.D. in BIODIV PhD programme by the University of Lisbon starting in 2025 within the CES - Conservation Ecology & Society of CE3C. She is conducting the project "The seasonal sea turtle: exploring climate influences on animals with terrestrial nesting sites and marine foraging areas", under the supervision of Ana Rita Patrício (CE3C), Paulo Catry (MARE-ISPA) and Carlos Carreras Huergo (Universitat Barcelona).
Patrícia Ph.D. project aims are: 1) Consolidate the existing information on the effects of seasonality and climate on sea turtle movement across life stages, 2) Map seasonal movements and foraging distribution of one of the largest green turtle Chelonia mydas populations globally, and investigate their link with oceanic currents; 3) Unveil the genomic basis of the migration and phenology dichotomy of green turtles nesting at the same location in contrasting seasons; and 4) Compare habitat selection and reproductive output of green turtles nesting during the wet season versus during the dry season at a site with
year-round nesting activity.
- Email: patriciacruzgguedes@gmail.com
- Web References: ORCID, Scopus, Google Scholar, Research Gate
- Research Group: Conservation Ecology & Society