I received a Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences, Parasitology from the New University of Lisbon Lisboa in 2009 and I am currently working in the National Museum of Natural History and Science (Lisbon University). I am a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Lisbon. My research focuses on the management of natural history databases and publishing of these data (http://www.gbif.org/dataset/79673413-746f-48f2-bd8a-7cf27807317e), use of natural history collections on molecular genetics studies and phylogeny. I am currently the curator of the insect collection at the National Museum of Natural History and Science.
My current research is driven by three overarching objectives: i) Management of the insect collection I am curating, enriching and validating the database and publishing these data in platforms accessible to the scientific community; ii) creation of informatics applications making use of collection data, to make it available or with other objectives such as the use for educational purposes; ii) optimize the extraction of DNA from preserved specimens and its use on molecular genetics studies; iii) phylogenetic studies on specific arthropod groups.