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- Tropical and Mediterranean Biodiversity

Liliana Andreia dos Santos Ferreira
PhD StudentLiliana Ferreira is conducting a Ph.D. in Biology, with specialization in Conservation Biology, by the University of Lisbon starting in 2020 within the Tropical and Mediterranean Biodiversity research group (TMB) of CE3C. She will conduct the project "Bats, landscape configuration and climate change: developing tools for conservation planning", under the supervision of Jorge Palmeirim from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon and Sara Cousins from the Faculty of Science of the Stockholm University. The Ph.D. project aims are: understanding how landscape configuration influences bats; predicting the impacts of climate change on bats along northern edge of distribution; improving acoustic sampling strategies for bats; and developing spatially explicit models of bat density.
- Email: fc55612@alunos.fc.ul.pt
- Web References: Orcid
- Research Group: Tropical and Mediterranean Biodiversity