I received a Ph.D. in Developmental Biology from the University of Bath in 2003 and I am currently leading the Cilia in Development and Disease group in CE3C. I am a professor of Animal Developmental Biology. My research focuses on Cilia and Ciliopathies. For many years I have been involved in the role of motile cilia in early left-right axis establishment using the zebrafish as animal model system.
The Cilia in Development and Disease group is organized in three main areas: 1) Fundamental research in early left-right development – We are interested in understanding how symmetry breaking occurs during development. Embryos are initially symmetric in terms of left-right axis, so how is the first asymmetric gene expressed?; 2) Translational studies – We are looking for therapies for ciliopathies by generating zebrafish disease models where defective cilia can be rescued in vivo and organ function can be evaluated; 3) Diagnostic and Research on Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD) rare disease.