Inês Alves Medeiros Nuno Afonso
MSc Student
One Health
Antimicrobial Resistance
Comparative Genomics
Inês Afonso hold a BSc. in Biology by the University of Lisbon (FCUL) and is presently a student of the Master Degree in Applied Microbiology by Faculdade de Ciências, University of Lisbon. Her MSc. dissertation, under the supervision of Mónica V. Cunha, is devoted to the topic "Reconstructing MRSA transmission chains at the livestock-wildlife interface: One Health in practice", in which she uses a combination of WGS and phenotypic tools to generate real-time genomic, epidemiological and ecological data from livestock, humans, and the environment in order to reconstruct MRSA transmission chains at different levels.
- Research Group: Pathogen Biology & Global Health