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- Evolutionary Perspectives in a Changing World
- Local Adaptation in Drosophila

Filipa de Freitas Vala Salvador
External CollaboratorI have a Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolution from the University of Amsterdam (2001). My career has centred in activities that promote the production and use of scientific knowledge in the pursuit of better lives and societies. I started as a researcher in ecology and evolution, and worked as a scientist for 10 years, authoring research papers and book chapters.
I then worked as a science communicator for 15 years, as science writer of products destined to broad audiences (such as scientific exhibitions, and books), and of products targeting institutional audiences (such as evaluators of the research centre national evaluation). Presently, I work as knowledge broker at the Competence Centre for Planning, Policy and Foresight in Public Administration – PlanAPP. I ead the Partnerships and Innovation Team, which works to promote evidence-informed public policy. We find and mobilize knowledge and data to inform public policy, and to develop and implement methodologies that facilitate co-creative work among the three actors of public policy (policymakers, citizens and civil society stakeholders, and scientists).
- Telephone: 217500000 (ext.22141)
- Email: fliepvala2@gmail.com; fdvala@fc.ul.pt
- Web References: Personal Site, Scopus, Google Scholar, Orcid, Research Gate, Researcher ID
- Research Group: Local Adaptation in Drosophila