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- Freshwater and Invasion Biology

Frederico Bernardo de Carvalho
PhD StudentFrederico Carvalho is conducting a Ph.D. in Ciências do Mar by the University of Lisbon starting in 2021 within the CSES Research Group of CE3C. He is conducting the project Changes in Ecosystem Services with the introduction of marine invasive species, under the supervision of Paula Chainho (MARE) , Filomena Magalhães (CE3C) and Laurence Jones ( Centre for Ecology & Hidrology - Natural Environment Research Council).
Project aims are: a) To identify and quantify ecosystem services and disservices provided by Invasive Ruditapes philippinarum and Native Ruditapes decussatus in the Tagus Estuary;
b) To identify and quantify ecosystem services and disservices provided by Mytilus edulis and Invasive Styela plicata in the Albufeira coastal lagoon;
c) To quantify and Valuate the impact on ecosystem services and disservices provided by Invasive Styela plicata;
d) To assess the magnitude of alterations in ecosystem services drive by Invasive Styela plicata;
e) To model different scenarios of invasion and the associated changes in the ecosystem services provided;
f) To prioritize impacts of Invasive species in ecosystem services, as a support for decision making and management.
- Email: fbcarvalho@ciencias.ulisboa.pt
- Web References: Scopus, Orcid, Research Gate, Researcher ID
- Research Group: Freshwater and Invasion Biology