I received a Ph.D. in Ecology and Biosystematics from the University of Lisbon in 2002 and I am currently working in the Freshwater and Invasion Biology (FIB) of CE3C.
I am a professor of Herpetology and Ecology at the Faculty of Sciences of University of Lisbon. My research focuses invasion ecology, with the main focus in freshwater ecosystems, but I also work in other topics, mainly related with herpetology and cork-oak woodland ecology.
I currently collaborate with teams from several countries in Europe and Africa. These collaborations include funded programs and/ or co-supervision of PhD students.
The main objectives of my current research are: i) to assess the impacts of invasive species in freshwater habitats; ii) to contribute to the eradication of invasive species and to the monitoring of ecosystem recovery during and after eradication; iii) to understand trophic web functioning of temporary ponds and stream pools, and the impacts of invasive species, climate change, and their interactions in this endangered habitats; iv) to collect long-term data on herpetological communities of cork-oak woodlands. I’m also the scientific responsible for the eradication plan of the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, In Portugal, a program lead by ICNF with the support of the Oeiras and Sintra Municipalities.