Aitziber Calleja Satrustegui
PhD StudentAfter completing an Environmental Science degree at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU, Spain; 2015) and working in the private sector, I studied a Master's degree in Environmental Agrobiology at the Public University of Navarre (UPNA, Spain; 2019), where I focused on plant physiology, with particular emphasis on abiotic stresses.
In April 2021, after a period of time, I returned to the UPNA hired as a project assistant by Dr. Idoia Ariz (Plant Physiology and Agrobiology lab, UPNA).
Since January 2022, I am doing my PhD thesis on the use of metabolic compounds as carbon metabolism modulators in leafy vegetables to reduce ammonium toxicity under the supervision of Dr. Idoia Ariz and Prof. Cristina Cruz (University of Lisbon, Portugal).
In parallel, I have been working with Prof. Esther M. González (Plant Physiology and Agrobiology Laboratory, UPNA) on the root system response to water deficit stress in Medicago wild relatives.
- Email: aitziber.calleja@unavarra.es
- Web References: ORCID, Scopus
- Research Group: Plant-Soil Ecology