António Alexandre
PhD StudentAntónio Alexandre is conducting a Ph.D. in Tiny forests in the Mediterranean by the University of Lisbon starting in 2024 within the Plant Soil Ecology group. He is conducting the project Build SOIL, Grow PEOPLE, Harvest INSPIRATION: tiny forests in Mediterranean urban areas, under the supervision of Cristina Cruz and Florian Ulm from FCUL. Build SOIL, Grow PEOPLE, Harvest INSPIRATION: tiny forests in Mediterranean urban areas project aims are: to understand how tiny forests contribute to soil regeneration in Mediterranean urban areas by monitoring the existing (and eventually new) urban tiny forests in Portugal; To demonstrate how tiny forests contribute to ecosystem services provided by their surrounding areas; Contribute to Lisbon’s transition to becoming a “sponge city” by documenting the influence of tiny forests in the water cycle; Grow communities of citizens engaged with Nature and raise awareness, motivate action and inspire change for nature based solutions using the living lab approach.
- Web References: ORCID, Linkedin
- Research Group: Plant-Soil Ecology