Carla Janeiro
PhD StudentCarla Janeiro is conducting a Ph.D. in Sustainability Science by the University of Lisbon starting in 2022 within the PhD Cristina Branquinho. She is conducting the project Could a BIODIVERSITY MARKET be a solution to increase ecossystem services in a multifuntional system?, under the supervision of Cristina Branquinho (CE3C), Victor Barros (ISEG) and Carla Pinto Cruz (University of Évora).
Carla Janeiro Ph.D. project aims are:
- Overall objectives - to explore innovative approaches to remunerate landowners for taking good practices that ensure the sustainability of the multifunctional system, namely of the Montado; To contribute to valorise ecosystems services, to revert biodiversity loss and simultaneously increase the remuneration of landowners that adopt sustainable management practices;
- Specific objective - to elaborate a biodiversity market proposal for the case study of the Montado system.
- Telephone: 266760800 Ext: 24406
- Email: cjaneiro@edu.ulisboa.pt
- Web References: ORCID
- Research Group: System Ecology