Gregory Ayitey Aryee
PhD Student
Carbon Sequestration
Sustainable Intensification Agriculture
Rural Household Income
Organic Olive Farming
Gregory Ayitey Aryee is conducting a Ph.D. in Sustainability Science at the University of Lisbon starting in 2021 within the eChanges group, now System Ecology research group of CE3C. He is conducting the project PAYMENT FOR ECOSYSTEM SERVICES AS A LIVELIHOOD DIVERSIFICATION APPROACH FOR SMALLHOLDER FARMERS IN AFRICA, under the supervision of Professor Cristina Branquinho and in affiliation with Professor Idalina Sardinha.
Gregory's Ph.D. project aims are:
- To determine policy incentive systems for PES, and identify gaps within already existing PES schemes, understand who would pay for ecosystem services and how much the interested party would be willing to pay permitting the building of conceptual PES schemes, for Egypt, Tunisia and Ghana.
- To test pilot PES schemes in Egypt, Tunisia and Ghana, quantifying and valuing specific ecossystem services provided and evaluating the impact of PES on the livelihood of rural inhabitants.
- To design an improved payment sheme to meet local skills and knowledge that will be viable directed to agricultural and rural policy makers to contribute to these countries aim of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of ending poverty and hunger by 2030 as well as promoting climate action based on results results of pilots.
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- Web References: Orcid
- Research Group: System Ecology