CE3C - Towards a Sustainable Future

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Towards a sustainable future.

Towards a sustainable future.

CE3C is committed to a sustainable future. Our mission is to produce fundamental and applied research in Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes that integrates life and climate sciences.



Novo vídeo revela o trabalho desenvolvido no projeto liderado por Alice Nunes em áreas de montado de sobreiro e azinheira integradas na rede LTsER Montado, rumo à sua adaptação às alterações climáticas e restauro.

Registration open for the Tropical Summit

Registration open for the Tropical Summit

4-8 November 2024, Lisbon Congress Center. CE3C is closely associated with the first Tropical Summit, a unique event that will bring together a critical mass around the enduring challenges and uplifting opportunities in the tropics.

Ar no Mar

Ar no Mar

Exposição "Ar no Mar - As aves do oceano profundo" em Ciências ULisboa. Iniciativa procura introduzir estas fascinantes aves, apresentar a sua diversidade e desvendar a ecologia que lhes garante destaque entre as suas parentes (mais) terrestres.

What's New

Alunos de licenciatura criam primeiro Livro Vermelho da Herdade da Ribeira Abaixo
HRA field station Red list Biology students Ciências ULisboa
Alunos de licenciatura criam primeiro Livro Vermelho da Herdade da Ribeira Abaixo

Picanço-barreteiro e boga-portuguesa destacam-se pelo estatuto de conservação e por serem reflexo dos desafios impostos sobre a biodiversidade.

Who said scientific research can’t be fun? – the Lisbon Democracy Lab
Who said scientific research can’t be fun? – the Lisbon Democracy Lab

The European project INCITE-DEM, coordinated by CE3C's Inês Campos, is creating democracy labs in six countries, including Portugal.

Primeira Training School da Ação COST CLEANFOREST promovida pelo CE3C
Training COST Action CLEANFOREST Forests SystEco
Primeira Training School da Ação COST CLEANFOREST promovida pelo CE3C

CLEANFOREST na vanguarda da compreensão dos efeitos dos extremos climáticos e poluição nas florestas Europeias.

Lançamento do projeto Barrocal-Cave marca novo capítulo na Conservação da Biodiversidade em Portugal
Project Barrocal-Cave SE
Lançamento do projeto Barrocal-Cave marca novo capítulo na Conservação da Biodiversidade em Portugal

Projeto resultante Prémio Fundação Belmiro de Azevedo 2023 é coordenado pela investigadora CE3C Ana Sofia Reboleira.


It is vital that we look at ecosystems in an integrative approach, understand the impacts of global changes on their functioning and share the knowledge acquired with new generations of scientists, with society and decision-makers.


CE3C is building a prosperous and sustainable future based on science, education and knowledge transfer.

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Research Groups
Research Groups

CE3C is home to over 400 researchers, working together in 39 groups, clustered in 4 thematic lines. Get to know the knowledge we help build every day, its diversity, and how we integrate it to respond to today's pressing issues.

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Like lichens, CE3C works symbiotically with different academic partners, both in Portugal and internationally, that span across various scientific domains and contribute to increase the collective impact on society.

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With recognised skills that span theory and practice, CE3C researchers dedicate an important part of their time to train new generations of scientists, knowledge transfer and to empower multiple fields of activity in society.

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Entrevista a Maria do Carmo Barreto sobre o projeto MACBIOPEST na RTP3.

27 May 2024

Biopesticidas Botânicos da Macaronésia: Investigação e Saber Popular
Biopesticidas Botânicos da Macaronésia: Investigação e Saber Popular

Entrevista a Maria do Carmo Barreto sobre o projeto MACBIOPEST na RTP Açores.

26 May 2024

Alunos de licenciatura criam primeiro Livro Vermelho da Herdade da Ribeira Abaixo
Alunos de licenciatura criam primeiro Livro Vermelho da Herdade da Ribeira Abaixo

Picanço-barreteiro e boga-portuguesa destacam-se pelo estatuto de conservação e por serem reflexo dos desafios impostos sobre a biodiversidade.

24 May 2024


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Biodiversity conservation and food security: Birds and bats as rice pest suppressors in West Africa
Biodiversity conservation and food security: Birds and bats as rice pest suppressors in West Africa

20 Jun 2024

Location: Room 2.2.15 - Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon

Assessing the wider implications of species extinctions: island birds and beyond
Assessing the wider implications of species extinctions: island birds and beyond

24 May 2024

Location: Room 1.3.23 - FCiências.ID, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon

We are home to more than
400 researchers
We produce science that crosses all levels of biological organisation, from organisms up to ecosystems, both natural and anthropogenic

We produce science that crosses all levels of biological organisation, from organisms up to ecosystems, both natural and anthropogenic

We raise relevant questions and apply innovative techniques to answer them

We raise relevant questions and apply innovative techniques to answer them

We investigate fauna and flora and their relationship with their environment

We investigate fauna and flora and their relationship with their environment

We design models build scenarios and predict changes

We design models build scenarios and predict changes

We produce knowledge and develop tools to understand the impact of global changes on biodiversity and on human health and well-being

We produce knowledge and develop tools to understand the impact of global changes on biodiversity and on human health and well-being