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Autonomous Region of the Azores has identified climate change as one of the biggest challenge to its development and has, accordingly, been working on defining a policy that allows it to face the major challenges and opportunities it poses.

The Azores approved its Regional Strategy on Climate Change (ERAC) in 2011 (Resolution 123/2011). The ERAC will be put into action through the Regional Plan for Climate Change (PRAC) approved by Resolution of the Council of the Government 93/2014.

CAOS – Borboletas e Sustentabilidade, Lda, coordinates a team of about 30 experts from Centre for Climate Change Impacts Adaptation and Modeling (CCIAM) - Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto Superior Técnico and from Universidade dos Açores. The team also includes experts from CEDRU, 3DRIVERS and Terraprima.

The mission of PRAC is to support Azores in:

•  Achieving a low-carbon development, with greater efficiency and lower consumption of natural and energy resources

•  Adapting and increasing resilience to climate change impacts

•  Monitoring emissions of greenhouse gases (apart from the implementation of PRAC itself)


To this end, the following objectives were defined:

•  Establish climate scenarios for the Azores in 2050

•  Estimate regional greenhouse gas emissions and projections for 2030

•  Define, plan and evaluate measures to reduce GHG emissions and to adapt to climate change, including their cost

•  Identify funding mechanisms for the defined measures

•  Define a program of monitoring and control of their implementation.

Funding Institution:

PO Açores 2020 – EU.




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