Ricardo is conducting a Ph.D. in Sustainability Science by the University of Lisbon starting in 2021 within the Climate Risk Management Research Group. He is conducting the project The key success factors of anaerobic digestion as a land based-use adaptation and mitigation solution in islands: Potential Assessement and Implementation Requirements, under the supervision of Tiago Capela Lourenço of CE3C, Ricardo Teixeira of Instituto Superior Técnico and Manuel Laranja of Instituto Superior of Economia e Gestão.
This Anaerobic Digestion project aims are: understand the mitigation and adpatation performance of anaerobic digestion solutions when compared to other waste solutions in the context of islands, find the key success factors for main streaming implementation and propose a policy for European Islands. Ricardo is working in RethinkAction project (https://rethinkaction.eu/) lead by Tiago Capela Lourenço. The project aims to create a cross sectoral platform based on systems dynamics models which deal with land use-based adapatation and mitigation solutions (LAMS). He works in the Case Studies work package which aims to develop local systems dynamics models for each one of the six case studies which will test the LAMS and provide policy recomendations. This includes the anaerobic digestion waste solution.