Tiago Capela Lourenço is an Environmental Engineer with a PhD in Environmental Sciences by the University of Lisbon the Faculty of Sciences - University of Lisbon (FCUL) Portugal. His main research interest is climate change adaptation, with a particular focus in the understanding of adaptation decision-making processes and uncertainty. He is as a researcher at FCUL since 2005 having participated in several national and European projects, in multiple areas of climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation (CCIVA) research and policy. He coordinated the CIRCLE-2 ERA-Net (FP7 2010-2014) and was responsible for the Portuguese participation in the CIRCLE CA (FP6 2005-2009). He is involved in the BASE (FP7 2012-2015), IMPRESSIONS (FP7 2013-2018) and PLACARD (Hor2020 2015-2020) projects. He is a member of the European Topic Centre on CCIVA (ETC/CCA).