Mapping production of biomass by annual plants in Mediterranean evergreen woodlands: Portuguese woodlandsMapping production of biomass by annual plants in Mediterranean evergreen woodlands: Portuguese woodlands
Reference: Pinho P., Nunes A., Ramos A., Batista M., Mimo S., Cordovil C. & Branquinho C. 2015. Mapping production of biomass by annual plants in Mediterranean evergreen woodlands: Portuguese woodlands. Mapping and assessment of forest ecosystems and their services – Applications and guidance for decision making in the framework of MAES (ed by Barredo J.I., Bastrup-Birk A., Teller A., Onaindia M., Fernández de Manuel B., Madariaga I., Rodríguez-Loinaz G., Pinho P., Nunes A., Ramos A., Batista M., Mimo S., Cordovil C., Branquinho C., Grêt-Regamey A., Bebi P., Brunner S.H., Weibel B., Kopperoinen L., Itkonen P., Viinikka A., Chirici G., Bottalico F., Pesola L., Vizzarri M., Garfì V., Antonello L., Barbati A., Corona P., Cullotta S., Giannico V., Lafortezza R., Lombardi F., Marchetti M., Nocentini S., Riccioli F., Travaglini D., Sallustio L., Rosário I., von Essen M., Nicholas K.A., Máguas C., Rebelo R., Santos-Reis M., Santos-Martín F., Zorrilla-Miras P., Montes C., Benayas J., Martín-López B., Snäll T., Berglund H., Bengtsson J., Moen J., Busetto L., San-Miguel-Ayanz J., Thurner M., Beer C., Santoro M., Carvalhais N., Wutzler T., Schepaschenko D., Shvidenko A., Kompter E., Ahrens B., Levick S.R. & Schmullius C. ), pp. 15-18. Publications Office of the European Union