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Investigadores CHANGE participam em conferência Internacional sobre Água, Energia, Alimentação e Sustentabilidade

Vários investigadores do CHANGE - Instituto para as Alterações Globais e Sustentabilidade participaram na conferência ICOWEFS 2024 - International Conference on Water, Energy, Food and Sustainability - que decorreu em Portalegre entre 8 e 10 de maio, e que pretende ser um fórum central para promover a inovação e troca de conhecimento no nexo água-energia-alimentação.

Na mesa-redonda dedicada ao tema Exploring photovoltaics: Opportunities, trade-offs and potential solutions – integrating key aspects through a multiactor perspective discussion, participaram Flávio Oliveira (CE3C-CHANGE), Miguel Sequeira, (CENSE-CHANGE), Fernando Ascensão (CE3C-CHANGE), e Susana Filipe (CHANGE). A discussão focou-se nos “agrivoltaicos” e procurou integrar perspetivas das políticas e da academia para explorar oportunidades e compromissos associados com as infraestruturas fotovoltaicas em terras utilizadas para agricultura.

A investigação desenvolvida pelos investigadores do CHANGE marcou também presença na Conferência através da sessão de Paulo Mira Mourão (MED-CHANGE), dedicada a Activated Carbon and Biochar: Complementary Carbon Materials e através de três posters: Assessing the inclusiveness of the draft updated National Energy and Climate Plans 2030 of Belgium and Portugal through a hard-to-reach energy users lens, de Miguel Sequeira e João Pedro Gouveia (CENSE-CHANGE); Barriers, Drivers and Opportunities for Valorization of Agricultural Plastic Waste, de Susana Filipe (CHANGE), Nazaré Couto (CENSE-CHANGE), Paulo Mira Mourão (MED-CHANGE) e Davide Tranchida (Borealis GmbH) e Water efficiency perception among Higher Education students, de Sandra Mourato (MED-CHANGE).

Researchers from CHANGE participated in international conference on Water, Energy, Food and Sustainability

Several researchers from CHANGE - Global Change and Sustainability Institute participated in ICOWEFS 2024 - International Conference on Water, Energy, Food and Sustainability, which took place in Portalegre, from May 8 to 10, and aims to be a major forum to foster innovation and exchange knowledge in the water-energy-food nexus.

The roundtable dedicated to “Exploring photovoltaics: Opportunities, trade-offs and potential solutions – integrating key aspects through a multiactor perspective discussion”, had the participation of Flávio Oliveira (CE3C-CHANGE), Miguel Sequeira, (CENSE-CHANGE), Fernando Ascensão (CE3C-CHANGE), and Susana Filipe (CHANGE). The discussion focuses on agrivoltaics and aimed at integrating perspectives from policy and academia to explore opportunities and trade-offs associated with photovoltaic infrastructures on agriculturally utilized land.

The research developed by CHANGE researchers was also featured at the conference through Paulo Mira Mourão (MED-CHANGE), session dedicated to "Activated Carbon and Biochar: Complementary Carbon Materials," through three posters: "Assessing the inclusiveness of the draft updated National Energy and Climate Plans 2030 of Belgium and Portugal through a hard-to-reach energy users lens," by Miguel Sequeira and João Pedro Gouveia (CENSE-CHANGE); “Barriers, Drivers and Opportunities for Valorization of Agricultural Plastic Waste”, by Susana Filipe (CHANGE), Nazaré Couto (CENSE-CHANGE), Paulo Mira Mourão (MED-CHANGE) and Davide Tranchida (Borealis GmbH), and “Water efficiency perception among Higher Education students”, by Sandra Mourato (MED-CHANGE).

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