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Climate, climate variability and change strongly impact Europe. For example, drought severely affects agriculture; precipitation extremes are associated with flooding, severe damage to properties and lives; temperature extremes can increase mortality; the seasonality and availability of snow affects water resources and winter tourism and wind speed or sunshine hours affect the production of renewable energy. These relations can be studied through the computation of climate indices, defined as tailored combinations of climate variables. To be useful, they need to be based on long and reliable climate datasets and be formulated to express relevant and comparable information. INDECIS will provide an integrated approach to produce a set of relevant climate indices targeting the high priority sectors of the World Meteorological Organization’s Global Framework for Climate Services (agriculture, disaster risk reduction, energy, health, water) plus tourism. To accomplish this, INDECIS will inventory and catalogue existing datasets of precipitation, temperature, wind speed and sunshine duration, search new data holdings and develop new methods and tools to operationally assure their quality and homogeneity. In parallel, we will gather information on climate indicators routinely computed by the participating institutions and third parties across Europe and work to improve them in consultation with sectorial experts. It is also intended to use sectorial statistics and teleconnection indices to explore predictive relations and responses to climate variability and change. This will be accompanied by the development of tools for indices near-real time calculation, spatial interpolation, visualization and communication of climate monitors. INDECIS will compare its products with those derived from reanalysis to assess their validity as alternate datasets to produce sectorial indices in the absence of observed datasets and with climate model output for validation and interpretation.

Funding Institution:

JPI Climate - ERA4CS.



Non cE3c members:

Project leader: Enric Aguilar (URV/C3).

Project team: Ricardo Trigo, Maria Antonia Valente, Pedro Sousa, Joan Ramon Coll, Núria Pérez, Javier Sigró, Raquel Santos, Salvador Anton Clavé, Antonio Russo, Òscar Saladié, Jordi Farré Coma, Jan Gonzalo, Jordi Prades, Roberto Coscarelli, Tommaso Caloiero, Erik Engström, Thomas Carlund, Patrick Fournet, Mary Curley, Yolanda Luna, Albert Soret, Llorenc Lledo Ponsati, Jaume Ramon Gamon, Raül Marcos, Louis-Philippe Caron, Nube González-Reviriego, Liliana Velea, Sergio Vicente Serrano, Juan I. López Moreno, Fernando Domínguez Castro, Ahmed El Kenawy, Jose Antonio Guijarro, Jose Antonio López, Petr Stepanek, Ali Nadir Arslan, Hans Van de Viyver, Manuel del Jesús, José Manuel Gutiérrez, Richard Allan, Len Shaffrey, Emily Black, Yvan Caballero, Gerard van der Schrier.


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