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Our group aims to dissect the molecular and cellular mechanisms linked to disease and find therapeutic approaches to tackle them.

For that, we have defined 3 main lines of investigation that align with the concept of One Health:

  1. Understanding how the extracellular matrix modulates cancer development;
  2. Address how environmental pollution can impact cancer;
  3. Develop gene approaches to counter or correct disease pathology.

The aims of the group are aligned with the goals of the TL3 - Environment and Health Interactions, as our research will provide insights into: 1) intracellular-extracellular communication and how important this is to separate homeostasis from disease, impacting normal organismal development; and 2) the impact of environmental risks in cancer. This last point is transversal to many other groups at CE3C, which allowed us to establish collaborations.

Our research will also establish new tools and knowledge, which can be shared with all the other groups. Through internal and external collaborations (several already established with national and international experts in cell biology, oncobiology, muscle disorders, and gene therapy), we intend to contribute to the various dimensions of R&D, including fundamental (aims 1 and 2) and applied (aim 3) research. The tools developed as part of our gene therapy line of research may give rise to highly innovative products aligning with the experimental development dimension.

We are committed to actively applying for national and international funding, which will not only be a key contribution to support our research but will allow us to gain visibility through the participation of national and international meetings/networks and publications of scientific articles, and outreach activities.

Lastly, advanced training is also an R&D dimension to which we actively contribute and intend to continue our commitment to theoretical and practical teaching and training of MSc and PhD students.

MMD Team
