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The Biological Resilience research group is a collaborative, multi-institutional and interdisciplinary collective dedicated to addressing the critical intersection of biological resilience, climate change and defence and security.

Our mission is to understand and develop strategies that bolster the adaptability of organisms and biological systems to cope with challenges, perturbations, and environmental changes, particularly in the context of climate-induced threats to defence and security.

Our main objectives are:

  1. Understanding Biological Resilience: We delve into the mechanisms that underlie resilience in humans, plants, animals, and ecosystems, investigating how they adapt and recover from adversity;
  2. Risk Assessment: We evaluate the impact of climate change and other environmental, anthropogenic, natural, accidental, non-natural threats on the resilience of biological systems;
  3. Scientific Innovation: We actively promote innovation and foster interdisciplinary collaborations to develop practical and sustainable solutions;
  4. Education and Outreach: We champion cross-disciplinary knowledge sharing and thematic awareness to engage the community in understanding the significance of biological resilience.

We employ an interdisciplinary approach, integrating biology, ecology, genetics, biotechnology, computational sciences, and modelling techniques to gain profound insights and formulate effective strategies for enhancing biological resilience. Our group is committed to contributing to biodiversity conservation, improving agricultural sustainability, enhancing biosecurity, and reinforcing the adaptive capacity of natural and social systems.

Through our research and partnerships, we aspire to play a pivotal role in preserving the resilience of life on our planet. We explore and promote life’s ability to recover, adapt and thrive in the face of the world’s ever-changing challenges.

BR Team
