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The Research Group Ecophysiology of Small Mammals focuses on the study of wild small mammals using a multidisciplinary approach, including ecological, physiological, behavioural and molecular techniques.

We particularly aim to address questions related to:

  1. The impacts and conflicts of synanthropic rodents in humanized environments;
  2. The adaptation of small mammals to urbanization and climate change.

Topics related to the impact of rodenticide resistance and pest management practices will follow a ‘One Health’ approach, addressing the impacts of the use of anticoagulant rodenticides on target and non-target species as well as its dissemination in the physical environment.

On the other hand, we are interested in small mammals’ adaptation processes involving changing environmental conditions by understanding coping and resilience mechanisms.

Not only do we aim to address highly relevant scientific questions within the scope of CE3C, but we also intend to focus on disseminating the acquired knowledge to the general public and appropriate stakeholders.

To reach these goals, we will invest in securing funding to produce high-quality science and grow our group by attracting young researchers, graduate and post-graduate students.

ESM Team
